Maria Assunta Del Signore
Annual meeting of the former students of the Negrone Institute of Vigevano on Sunday 21 April, also an opportunity to celebrate the fifty years of priestly ordination of Father Giorgio Levorato, while Franco Provinciali, former stu-dent, and Celestina Busatta celebrated 50 years of marriage .
The mass in the chapel of the Institute – where for a long time the Doctrinaries guaranteed teaching and educational service – was presided over by Msgr. Maurizio Gervasoni, bishop of Vigevano, who concelebrated with Father Giorgio. Present were Andrea Ceffa, Mayor of the city and former student of Negrone, and Andrea Sala, Councilor of the Lombardy Region.
After the mass, the new headquarters of the Alumni Association was inaugurated in a room of the Institute and at the end the participants, after the ritual photos, moved to the headquarters of the National Alpine Association for the convivial lunch.
During the moments together, joyful and cheerful, some gifts were given to Father Giorgio, including a chasuble and the “personalized” shirt of the Padua football team, of which Father Giorgio is a great fan.
And among the scent of Provençal lavender bags and emotional greetings, there was the goodbye to the next meeting of the Alumni Association, which will be on the second Sun-day of April 2025.