Padre Luiz Alves do Carmo, dc
On 19 October this year we had the joy of receiving a visit from the then bishop of the diocese of Catanduva, Dom Valdir Mamede. During the visit the teaching staff, together with the General Management, took the opportunity to offer the students moments of dialogue and interaction with the bishop. The visit took place both in the morning and in the afternoon. We had student presentations and prayer times. The teaching staff also had the opportunity to share private moments with the Bishop, sipping a cup of coffee. We are very grateful to God, to our Holy Founder, César de Bus, for giving us such a rich moment.
Here is the bishop’s message: «On 19 October 2023 I made the episcopal visit to the Colégio Jesus Adolescente, in the city of Catanduva. I was able to see firsthand what I had already heard before, namely that in that environment the search for excellent training stands out. With great emotion I walked through the different school environments, the library, the classrooms and the recreational spaces, realizing that behind every educational action there is a spirit that informs.
During the episcopal visit, I was amazed by what I found there. In combination with the quality education offered there, I was able to see the existence of a human-Christian project carried out with care by the teaching team and assistants.
I take this opportunity to thank the enormous good that Dottrinaries, especially in the leadership of the Colégio Jesus Adolescente, have done for the entire Diocese. With the most sincere wishes for good success in your scholastic activity, I present to the entire Congregation my thanks for what it does in the Diocese of Catanduva.»