This year too, September 29, the 431st anniversary of the foundation of the Christian Doctrine Fathers by San Cesare de Bus, was solemnized in various ways. Since the Cathedral was closed for restoration work, the parish community celebrated the foundation date of the hermitage of St Jacques et a Ste Bernadette.
On Wednesday 27 September, the catechism students accompanied by Marie Odile, Vérane and Father Emmanuele, went up to the hermitage to discover Saint Caesar, a catechist in love with Jesus and his people.
On Friday 29th it was the turn of the parish community who met for the Mass animated by the Fraternity of the Word in the chapel which preserves the memory of Saint Caesar, who spent long periods of solitude in St Jacques.
On Saturday 30th, the young people of the parish, accompanied by the animators and Father Emmanuele, did their weekly activity “in the company of San Cesare”, also experiencing a moment of adoration in the place where Cesare spent long hours of prayer, adoring the SS. Sacrament from the small window that, from his room, overlooks the tabernacle.
On Sunday 1 October the faithful of the parish sector met for the only mass of the day in honor of San Cesare “enfant de la Ville de Cavaillon”. The climate of prayer and family that had brought together the faithful of the Diocese around the Bishop on 16 October 2022 for the solemn mass of thanksgiving for the canonization of Saint Caesar was relived. At the end of the celebration, there was no shortage of the “glass of friendship”, a moment to meet and sympathize.
A group of disabled people had the joy of visiting the St Jacques Hermitage to discover and meet the figure of Saint Caesar. The occasion was the birthday party of Martial Sarlin, citizen of Cavaillon and member of the Hospitalité de Lourdes (the Association that accompanies sick and disabled people to Lourdes). After lunch, the group met at the hermitage where they were welcomed by Father Gian Mario, who presented the figure of Saint Caesar and also shared a moment of prayer.