by Rosana and Aline, aspiring Lay DoctrinariesGolden Jubilee of priestly ordination on Saturday, July 27 for Father Édisson Pattaro in the parish of São Sebastião de Guaíra, in the State of Paraná in Brazil, together with the Doctrinaries Fathers. Father Édisson – who is a parish priest, his collaborators are Fathers Gustavo Antônio da Silveira and Luís Gonzaga Bolinelli – in addition to having worked for a year in Itá, in the state of Santa Catarina, and many years in Catanduva, in the state of São Paolo, where he presided over the Colégio Jesus adolescenti, in Guaíra he lived more than half of his priesthood, leading the Seminary or serving in the parish.
In preparation for the celebration, the fathers, seminarians and aspiring Lay Doctrinaries organized a vocational week from July 22 to 27: every day, from Monday to Friday, at six in the morning Lauds were recited, while at six in the evening the Parish Community gathered for the Holy Hour of Vocations, Eucharistic Adoration and Vespers to conclude with Holy Mass. In addition, every day, the parish groups and movements responsible for animating the Mass participated in a conference on vocations, held on the basis of the life and teachings of the founder of the Congregation, Saint Cesar de Bus. These different moments of prayer, reflection and meditation saw the great participation of the parish community, especially the young people. Everyone had the opportunity and the pleasure to pay homage to Father Édisson and express their gratitude. On Saturday at six o’clock the solemn Mass of thanksgiving was celebrated, with the presence of the bishop of Barretos, Msgr. Milton Kenan Júnior, the bishop emeritus of Limeira, the doctrinary Msgr. Vilson Dias de Oliveira, as well as numerous doctrinaries fathers and diocesan priests, family members, friends and a large number of parishioners.
At the end of the Mass, the entire Community paid a beautiful and moving tribute to Father Édisson, expressing zeal, love, affection and gratitude for their parish priest. Closing in style, Father Édisson received as a gift from his fellow Doctrinaries the painting with the Apostolic Blessing of Pope Francis. We thank God for this priestly journey that will remain a milestone not only in the life of Father Édisson, but in the history of the parish of São Sebastião de Guaíra.