Father Gustavo Antônio da Silveira, Brazilian doctrinaire, celebrates 80 years and 50 of priestly ordination. Today he lives his ministry in the parish of São Sebastião de Guaíra, in the state of São Paulo, after having been parish priest or vicar in various Brazilian cities.
With great joy and great participation, the Community of São Sebastião, with the parish priest Father Edison and with Father Luís Gonzaga, celebrated the jubilee of Father Gustavo. From 29 May to 02 June the Vocational Week was held with formative meetings on vocation for parish groups and movements. Very significant were the joyful, dynamic and very involving moments with the young people, the adolescents who are preparing for Confirmation and with the children who are preparing for the Eucharist. The vocational meetings were prepared and conducted by Father Luiz Alves, responsible for vocational promotion of the Brazilian Doctrinaries Delegation, and by Father Silvio.


The solemn jubilee celebration was on Saturday 3 June, during the 6 pm mass, which was attended by the priests already mentioned and by the bishop of the Diocese of Barretos, Monsignor Milton with three other diocesan priests. Great participation of the citizens of Guaíra, with relatives and friends of Father Gustavo, also coming from other cities.
We thank Father Gustavo for having given his life to God, in the Church through the Congregation of Doctrinaries Fathers, and for his daily testimony. May San Cesare de Bus always intercede with God for him.