The Doctrinarian Family Movement

Doctrinarian Family

The Doctrinarian Family Movement

The Doctrinarie Family Movement was born after a long journey of discernment and prayer that involved families and young people from doctrinaires realities. After various meetings in Varallo Sesia, San Severino Marche and Rome, the participants understood that the Lord was calling them to live their family and work reality according to the charism of Father Caesar. Thus was born the Doctrinarie Family Movement, which was approved by the Congregation in 2014.

The Statute gives its identity. Here, in summary, are some fundamental points. The Doctrinarian Family Movement The Doctrinarie Family Movement is made up of families who share the spirituality of Father Caesar, summarized in his phrase: “Let everything in us catechize, let our lifestyle be so in conformity with the truths taught that it is a living catechism.” In light of this, doctrinaires families desire to acquire a lifestyle that transmits to others the Good News of God’s merciful Love towards every creature. (Statute n. 1).

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