Saturday 21st and Sunday 22nd September 2024. Two days of sunshine, outside and inside our hearts. Two dates engraved in the memory of the parishioners of 50 years ago and returned to the fore with a brilliance never dulled.
The church of San Giovanni Bosco in Cristo Re in Vigevano has become a welcoming, anxious, joyful, moving corolla around the parish priest Bruno Legnaro: pastor, friend, brother, counselor, companion of the simple and important moments in the lives of so many, so many (religious, lay and priests) who have learned to love him over the years, in Vigevano and in all the environments entrusted to his care.
Care that he was able to transmit to the people around him: it was a pleasure to note how much passion was put into the preparation and organization of every detail of the celebration, in the oratory and in the garden. Celebrations enriched by simple and intense songs and prayers, by seriousness and discretion; moments of emotion on the part of the parish groups that expressed the beauty of the furrow traced in depth by prayer and by the experiences matured over time. Discreet and sincere exchanges of material and spiritual gifts.
Everyone gave something of themselves and Father Bruno gave himself to everyone, breaking himself as he does at every Mass with the consecrated bread.
Full church on Saturday, packed on Sunday. The eyes of the faithful fixed on the altar, lips united in invocations and thanksgivings. A crown of priests, sincere friends who came from different places to share the joy, the bishop of Vigevano, Monsignor Maurizio Gervasoni, smiling and happy to participate with Father Bruno in the celebration for the important milestone of fifty years of priestly ordination.
A journey entirely dedicated to the Lord, with the trustworthy and sure accompaniment of Mary, who gave rise to the vocation. The attention and silence that accompanied the unfolding of the explanatory slides of the significant moments of his mandate, the thunderous final applause, the hugs, the whispered words of affection sealed these two days, marked by the humility and testimony of fidelity of Father Bruno.